Daar waar de wind niet bij kan

Silance Eclatant

L’ame de ma soeur

Les Frères de Bretagne

Heylke Brycken

So tired chasing rabbits

Selfportrait (N/A)

Unisex evolution

Neverending Hettyness

Neverending Hettyness

Ik ben bij Philips (N/A)


Lost in eternity (2023) (SOLD)

No Satisfaction (2019)

Springtide on dry ground (2019) (SOLD)

I’m leaning towards red threat of faith. (2021)

Hunt for paradise (2020) – SOLD

Les chambres Bleus (N/A)



We can be as One


At the fish (Sold)

Warning signs 2020

La petite Bohemienne

Mother of all mothers #3 (sold)

Mother of all mothers #2

Munza and the boys

Flower Puppeteer (Sold)

The Untold 3

The Untold 2

The untold No 1 (Sold)

TS Habari Suzuki (N/A)

New Dutch op de Food Inspiration Days

La place dor